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Good Old Days 30/3


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Thank you good sir.


Now I find the M8A7 the most difficult to make a use of in my hands. AR in general are for some reason hard for me to use. 


That is due to your learned play style and game modes, which are more suitable for SMGs with quicker movements, quicker ADS times, more mobile and often quicker times to kill.   I play more aggressive with SMGs, but have to play more conservative for ARs.   Going back to a previous discussion that we had about sensitivity.   If you are planning to play an entire game with an AR, trying changing your sensitivity from 4 to 5 or 6.  It will make it move faster and "feel" more like an SMG.     

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Yebs that is a solid statement. ffa is a different game that team base ones therfore I want to rush with AR just as i do with SmG. Simply because i like it. But you are so right with your point. What is you favorite ar?

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Yebs that is a solid statement. ffa is a different game that team base ones therfore I want to rush with AR just as i do with SmG. Simply because i like it. But you are so right with your point. What is you favorite ar?


It depends on the situation.  KN-44 is a good overall gun that works well in close counters and longer ranges too.  It is also works very well with a suppressor with little effect.  The HVK can be fun with rapid fire, grip and long barrel.  My go to AR for medium and long range is the M8.  The XR-2 can be really good too, but I have not used it enough to get all the attachments unlocked (especially rapid fire and long barrel) to give it a real evaluation.  The man-o-war is great, but it just does not fit my play style well.  I have to slow down too much with it.  I like being in their face/spawn, holding them at choke points or both.  I am not a guy to sit back, camp and head glitch them.  I would rather get them angry and disrupt their mindset and play style.  If they are constantly searching their spawns for me or my teammates, then they will not have map control and allow us to get map control.


I will normally run long barrel on all ARs unless I have a suppressor on it.  

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Interesting at the beginning of the game I really liked the XR-2 how ever I cant get a good feel for the KN-44. I have tried the Man of War so many times I love the gun and everything about it just cant get good games with it. HVK I had few games with it but never stucked to it. Like I sad AR is not my area of expertise. 

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I completely understand.  SMGs fit my play style very well.   Vesper for close encounters and small maps.   VMP for small to medium maps or big maps with shorter lines of sight.  For longer maps, I tend to use the Kuda.   I also run a SMG / LMG overkill class that works well for those longer lines of sight or head glitchers.  



My overkill class:  Typically, I am running Vesper with ext mags and fast mags with LMG (Dredge, Dingo, BRM) with ext mags.   This also works great for breaking choke points to mowing multiple enemies on a flag.

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