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Will precise bandwidth control be in the next update or in future updates?

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I'm not asking to remove congestion control, but I would like precise bandwidth control to work in conjunction or give you an option between precise or the sliders if you get what i mean. And also I would like to be able to put specific numbers for each device as well. Bascially the same concept as the tp link bandwidth control.

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With the next update the prioritization flower under congestion control will be separated and you will be able to affect download and upload independently.  You will be able to set percentages for each device(upload bandwidth and download independently) but not enter exact numbers.  Currently with the prioritization flower affects both download and upload together so when you set a percentage for a device both are affected.  By separating it out allows for better control but no entry of exact numbers.  Maybe in the future but not currently.

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The .6 one is out next which won't include it. After that it could be the next one or the one after, not set in stone yet.


Well, to be fair.  This "update" has grown from the initial .6C test version up through now .6F and we have seen the feature list grow each time, so........

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