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My theory is because the client / server model for dedicated servers is asynchronous (more data going in vs. out) this is why there is so much "lag" (latency) whereas console hosts are equal, so they should... in theory... be synchronized a.k.a. the same amount of data is traveling to and from the host and clients at the same rate?


This all depends on the hosts quality of internet and speed of course, but all things equal I'm guessing this may be the case and is why some P2P games play better than dedicated servers? Couple this with far less traffic than a server at a data center and this may be another reason why P2P games play better as well.

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I'm getting nothing but P2P games on BO3 here on the West Coast on XB1.  Don't know why, it may be the player count.


The new upgrade will feature a temp ban on a dedicated box if it is giving you trouble, and that lasts for 5 minutes per ban, so you never really lose that box.

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I'm getting nothing but P2P games on BO3 here on the West Coast on XB1. Don't know why, it may be the player count.


The new upgrade will feature a temp ban on a dedicated box if it is giving you trouble, and that lasts for 5 minutes per ban, so you never really lose that box.

How are the p2p playing for you?
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How are the p2p playing for you?


I think they are playing alright.  There is a contingent in the Portland area, I think they may be Duma owners as well, that seems to always have 2-4 guys together and they draw a lot of P2P games.  I "generally" don't mind as they are right down the road (I-5 from me) and the ping is always less than 20-25ms, but the guys are beast players!  Playing solo, I have been on the receiving end of a lot of lobbies where I was the only guy, or one of two, going positive.


Outside of that, there are a lot of P2P hosts in Kalifornia that I get matched up with on nights like last night.  Everything is fine on a basic P2P connection until shit starts to kick off.  Then that is where you separate the good internet from the cheap shit because the game play slows way down and gets choppy if there are streaks that require a lot of animation like the RAPS.  Usually the low streaks don't really impact, but when the higher ones start to rain down, it can go from good to straight out nightmare.  


That is what we have a host rating for though, right?


Hit detection on P2P is pretty good though.  My M8 is really effective on P2P, but I do have a Battle Beaver trigger and I am using Rapid Fire, so that could be some placebo as well.  I do find that I don't die, as easily, to shotguns when I am on a P2P connection.  I've taken a few point blank shots from that Brecci and even the Argus a time or two and lived to tell the tale....LOL


Like everything else the P2P experience is hit or miss, but I find it generally a little more stable.  What DOES suck is the rage quit.  Now with the Duma, and the spread out player population in the P2P "bad kid hosting", I frequently get host migration failures, so there is that little annoyance...

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On PS4, I see better games with P2P than with Dedi's despite the dedi's reporting 35-50 ms lag.   On XBox One - p2p or dedi's both play about similar. 


My broadband speeds are "OK" -- 25 down / 5 up.  Have R1 congession control at around 80% for both up/down. 

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