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Black ops 3 dedicated servers

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How can i tell where the black ops 3 dedicated servers are for xbox? I live in ny I have heard there are servers in nyc , montreal and atlanta but I never connect to any of them. I have tried making my ping low(even put it at 0) I reduce my geo filter to ny state and it still connects me to seattle. I turn strict mode on and i dont connect at all. I watched a video by driftor and he had a map with tons of servers but I never connect to any of the ones that are close to me.

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Like Buck Nassty said, he was probably on a different console.


To see the Dedis, you will need to disable the Geo-filter and zoom out, 

then start the game on which ever console you're playing on. 


You will see all the Dedis that are live for a brief moment. 

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Yeah I don't see the NJ server all the time.  And honestly when I do get on it it really does not play well at all.  I would group it with the Seattle server.  The best server for me in the Kansas.  I'm in Atlanta.  

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I am on Xbone as well, and I can tell you that the few Dedi's out there are junk. I deliberately set my Geo AWAY from them as to avoid them. I also believe that they are not true Dedi's, but some form of hybrid setup. If you run a trace, you will see it snake from one dot to Kansas to Seattle to you, or from one dot to Dedi to you. It's a strange network they have designed.

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