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Xbox one ping advice black ops 3

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I have used my netduma for black ops 3 for the ps4 and constantly found 20-25 ping lobbies , using the netduma on xbox one i cannot find 1 lobbie that is under 35 ping . I have my geo filter set smallest radius with 0 ping and strict mode on and still unable to find a 20 ping game in the uk . Was looking for advice from fellow xbox one netduma users at what pings they are getting thanks

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Depends on your line and distance to the closest server.  The better way to do this is to set your home to the middle of the ocean with the smallest radius and set the ping assist to 40 max.  This will disregard "distance" and simply connect you to any host that you have less than 40 ping to.  


Make sure you restart the game as well (as in go to the dashboard, press start on the game, and click quit, then let the game reboot).  


This is what I do, as closer is not always better for some reason.  I always find games with these parameters set.  Even if you do not find servers, you should still find player hosted matches if you are in a fairly populated region.


Try this and report back.

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I've noticed I have higher pings on the Xbox version of BO3 as well.  The thing is, most of the #Canaries have been studying this and a lot of agree that a game with about 50-60ms ping is when we seem to notice a better overall gaming experience.  We can't point to a specific issue as to why, just a lot of wild speculation at the moment, but that middle range seems to offer some benefit.


The new .6d upgrade is about ready to drop and with that comes a new feature called Hyper Lane.  This allows your Xbox or PS to jump to the head of the line when it comes to the packet queue leaving your residence.  This has lowered my base ping to both PS and XBLive dedicated locations.  


Here is a video they put up on the Netduma YT channel:  https://youtu.be/FN7VAIqY5ds

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I have set my my geo filter at 1500km ping at 0 and strict mode on . I have blufferboat at a+ quality a+ speed at d . Every lobby i am finding is no lower than 38 ping there is also button delay and movement feels sluggish. Having used the netduma on the ps4 and had no issues and perfect games , on the xbox one its a complete different story

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Having used the netduma on the ps4 and had no issues and perfect games , on the xbox one its a complete different story


You aren't the only one having issues with the XB1 variant.  Lots of players here are reporting similar issues and I can attest to having nightmares on the XB1 version that I haven't seen on the PS4 version.

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Ok just played 3 games ping was at 50.4 then another game at 40 ping and now its putting me into games pinging from the netduma 155 - 233 . Bufferbloat a+ quality a+ speed d . Why am i being put into these lobbies when my geo filter is set at 1000km 35 ping and strict mode on , is there a problem with my netduma

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Ok just played 3 games ping was at 50.4 then another game at 40 ping and now its putting me into games pinging from the netduma 155 - 233 . Bufferbloat a+ quality a+ speed d . Why am i being put into these lobbies when my geo filter is set at 1000km 35 ping and strict mode on , is there a problem with my netduma


Is that ping number your Ping Assist setting?  Or do you have any number larger than zero in your Ping Assist bar?

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I've noticed I have higher pings on the Xbox version of BO3 as well.  The thing is, most of the #Canaries have been studying this and a lot of agree that a game with about 50-60ms ping is when we seem to notice a better overall gaming experience.  We can't point to a specific issue as to why, just a lot of wild speculation at the moment, but that middle range seems to offer some benefit.


The new .6d upgrade is about ready to drop and with that comes a new feature called Hyper Lane.  This allows your Xbox or PS to jump to the head of the line when it comes to the packet queue leaving your residence.  This has lowered my base ping to both PS and XBLive dedicated locations.  


Here is a video they put up on the Netduma YT channel:  https://youtu.be/FN7VAIqY5ds


Is there any way to come up with a feature that also prioritizes game packets above party chat on the console? I've noticed at least for me that being in a PS4 party chat seems to add some additional latency.

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35 ping assist im using , if i put it at 0 i cannot find games


If you have any value in the Ping Assist, you are effectively telling the router it is okay to connect to any host OUTSIDE of the geo filter that is equal to or less than that number (<35 in your example).


If you don't want to connect to games outside of the Geo Filter, you need to have Ping Assist set to zero.  Now if you are getting many game choices, you may need to expand your Geo Filter size (depending on the player count at the time of play) to cover more area.  


This will allow more hosts inside your Geo Filter.


In turn, you can then rate them if they are acceptable with a higher number.  If they are an available host in the future, you will connect to them with priority over other hosts that you do not have rated higher.

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Is there any way to come up with a feature that also prioritizes game packets above party chat on the console? I've noticed at least for me that being in a PS4 party chat seems to add some additional latency.


You can probably submit it into the backlog (I am sure Crossy will read this and respond) but I suspect it would be pretty far down the list.  The short term are the release of .6d and the work Iain is tackling concerning Anti Jitter and Wifi currently.

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Perhaps you missed my post.  It does not seem like you tried my advice.  When you set the geofilter to 1000 km with 35 ping assist it is telling the netduma that you want to be connected within that radius OR any connection outside of that radius as long as it is less than 35 ms.   


However, if there is a connection within that radius that is over 35 ms (even as much as the absurd 150ms that you mention), technically it fits your range parameters and you are allowing it.  For whatever reason, you may be pinging servers/player hosts that are close (within 1000km) but have bad routes/pings for you.


That's why i suggested bypassing the range selector and simply using the ping assist.  Put your home in the ocean with the range set to smallest circle possible.  Set ping assist to 50.  That should ONLY connect you to low ping games, regardless of where they are.  If that doesn't work, then your base ping is the problem.


Give it a try.  Good luck

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