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2 Games 4 Sens and Favorite Purifire.


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Just trying to get as good AIM as possible currently playing on 4 sens as the game below. Also lately I am getting to a lot of tougher lobbies. Like in this game you can see at the beginning of the match how many high prest. Players were there. 



And my Favorite specialist Fire-break Purifire I have like 5 KD with this flame-thrower. 


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Excellent new so happy that you found it helpful. The Chase for that best Acc never ends my friend. Funny when I first got the game I could not play on 4 It feel to slow.

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From playing older CODs with a greater movement reduction for ARs and LMGs, I had to learn to NOT ADS all the time especially when going from enemy to enemy or quickly turning on an enemy.  Hip firing and then ADSing or both at the same time.  Also, the snap aiming helps improve the aim assist.  


Because BO3 slows movement speed even further while firing, it makes this technique even more beneficial.

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Good video by XclusiveAce on BO3 Target/Aim Assist



Basically, aim assist helps with hip fire and ADS both.  With hip fire aim assist in BO3, you do need to be moving your feet (i.e. strafing). With hip fire aim assist, it will help slow the movement and provide some tracking too.  With ADS aim assist, it will only slow the movement to help stay on target but it won't track the target.   


Most people will see an enemy and almost immediately (almost instinctively) ADS right away and move (drag) the sights to the enemy.  Snap aiming is when you get your aim very close to the enemy before you ADS.  The hip fire aim assist will slow it down and track slightly.  You then hip fire as you move closer to the enemy and/or while you are ADSing.  The ADS aim assist will also be slower so it will be easier to snap on the target.  This allows you to get on target faster while because you are not ADSing.  Hence, you are snap aiming onto the target.


This is similar to quick scoping vs drag scoping.  This type of aim assist is what made quick scoping possible in previous CODs and why BO3 removed (greatly reduced) aim assist on snipers.


When you have multiple enemies that are close to each other but not too close (i.e. standing side by side), most people will ADS and shoot the first one and then move (drag) sights to the next enemy while keeping the ADS button pressed.  This takes longer to move from enemy 1 to enemy 2 since you move slower while in ADS.  Many people also get into the habit of ADS first and then fire.  It is better to fire before and while ADSing.  You also should be strafing (if you can) to help the aim assist. 


For multiple enemies, I have learned to shoot enemy #1, release ADS, move sights to enemy #2  and then hip fire and ADS when you are close to enemy #2. This along with strafing has helped me to win more win more gun fights and get more multi-kills. 


Of course, you always want to ADS around corners, where you expect an enemy, etc.  

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