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Need some advice please.

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Hi, ive had the netduma for over a couple months now and ive messed with the settings quite a bit, read every forum and watched every video that is out there for this netduma but i can never really find my sweet spot for my internet, i bought this router cause i was told it would help with my games. it does for the most part but i feel like it doesnt do all that much. I have 4/1 speeds and a 13 ping, without the netduma, with the netduma it is the same but my bandwith on the PS4 went down and i normally get around 877kbps to 920kbps, but now with it i get roughly around 522kbps to 580kbps. Ive tried resetting, restarting, hard resetting etc, but nothing is working. everytime i hook it back up to my other router it instantly goes back up and i can play well again, please help.


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I know about the PS4 speed test. i dont go by that. i go by the speedtest.net on my desktop with and without my duma. and i have tried varies different % on the CC and nothing seeems to work all that well.

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The bandwith that i see, that i also go by is on Bo3 in the network section. those use to be my bandwith speeds but now with the netduma its gone down and im sad that it has but with the 877 to 920 i was GOD, a Warrior but now im not. i can see a big difference.

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I know about the PS4 speed test. i dont go by that. i go by the speedtest.net on my desktop with and without my duma. and i have tried varies different % on the CC and nothing seeems to work all that well.


In your original post it sounded like you were getting full speeds with everything but the console but you're not? For speeds follow this http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_is_my_speed_lowerand also make sure you're on the latest version forum.netduma.com/topic/9124-major-router-upgrade-now-available-v-1035

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Don't go by your PS or the game for speeds as they are both inaccurate.


And like Fraser said are you on the latest firmware ?


And is your duma set up properly ?

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