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NetDuma Settings Resets after a while

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Hi All,


      I have my NetDuma updated to the latest firmware.  Usually when i go to play online i log onto NetDuma and make sure it is the way its setup to be.  Almost every time i check it the NetDuma reverts the settings to factory.  What that means is it comes up with the messages introducing me to NetDuma and walking me through the 17 steps of click here etc.  Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this.



Thank You

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Can you try something and report back please?


Set up everything and make sure Cookies are enabled of course (Settings > Miscellenous) & then Reboot the router twice, so do it once, the router restarts, then go back to Settings > Miscellenous and Reboot router again.


Then let me know if you get this issue the next time you log into your R1 before you play a game...

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