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Geo Filter not working as intended...I think (but I'm probably wrong)

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I just got my NetDuma set up and followed the setup guide from NetDuma and updated to the latest firmware (as of yesterday)


I am trying to play Destiny on PS4 and I have geofiltering enabled, with 600miles max distance and 50ms ping assist as well as strict selected.


I live in North Carolina, USA and despite these setting I am still getting paired with people from the UK and California who are well outside the 600miles and when I ping them its comes back around 130ms.  


Is this how the geo filter is supposed to work? I thought it would force them to meet both the distance and ping requirements. (or at least 1 of them)


Any help with this would be appreciated.

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  • Netduma Staff

Can you try uploading it here.


Maybe you are connecting to it through ping assist? Ping assist doesn't make you connect to hosts under the specified ping, but instead allows hosts from outside the GeoFilter to connect if they are under the ping assist value :)

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I got an image uploaded and edited my previous post to include the link but here is the link from uploading to where you suggested.



Also, how would I be able to tell if I am connecting through ping assist?


If the host is outside the geo radios but giving you ping values under your ping assist setting. That would mean it's ignoring the geo filter due to finding a host within the ping limit you set.

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If the host is outside the geo radios but giving you ping values under your ping assist setting. That would mean it's ignoring the geo filter due to finding a host within the ping limit you set.

Ok, would that mean than at the time they connected to me they were under 50ms and just throughout the game their ping went up?  

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  • Netduma Staff

one of the players was 183ms in the UK and the other in Cali was around 150ms


Was it possible that your GeoFilter settings had allowed you to connect within the last 2 mins and you hadn't waited for the anti-cheat feature to disconnect you from them? :)


Did you follow the instructions such as refreshing and re-adding the device to the GeoFilter when upgrading? :)

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The way i'm reading this is he's asking about other players connecting, not the host. The router only works with you. For example, it will allow you to connect to a more local host (inside your geo filter or using ping assist). However, it does not restrict other players from connecting. You can be in the US with a host that's a mile away yet there could still be another player in the UK or somewhere else that connects. The router/geofilter only work with your connection and do not restrict other players from connecting to a host.

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This is with Destiny though and I think everyone has to be inside the GeoFilter with Destiny (maybe I'm wrong).

my experience with destiny is that it only works in normal PVP (i.e control/clash) if you are the fireteam lead, and all the other parties connecting are individuals, not in a fireteam. If there is a group that joins it will only allow them if the fireteam lead is within your geofilter - the other players do not.


In things like trials of Osiris where you have to be in a fireteam it will force the leader of that fireteam to be inside your GeoFilter - but they may have players in their own fireteam that are outside of the range you set.

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