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Madden 16

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Hi Steve thanks for purchasing and welcome to the forum! I seem to remember this happening to someone else at some point. Make sure you allow your friends as well as disabling UPnP and manually port forwarding these ports for your console and see if you're able to get into a game

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I just brought a Net Duma router a couple days ago. I can't connect to my friends or anyone in a rank game of Madden 16 on my Xbox one. I have disabled my Geo Filter and still can't connect.


Does the Netduma work at all?


Meaning, if Madden uses dedicated servers (and even P2P), you should at least, be able to see dormant hosts and MM servers when you log on to MP.


Do you have other MP games you can try e.g. Halo, CoD, etc?


You want to rule out Madden itself since not all games are supported, yet. 


Destiny had a problem until Ian updated the R1 to not get people kicked out of PVP matches and even today, you have to turn it off sometimes...

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I can play Gta and Nba 2k. But cant connect with players or friends on Madden 16. I know its the router because when i hook up to just my cable modem I can play Madden with friends and rank games


Can you see anything on the map when searching for a game? Regardless if it is on or off?

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Can anybody help me resolve this issue? I paid a lot of money for this router and not able to play my Madden 16. Haven't had router a week


We don't officially support the game which is why you may be having trouble with it. Can you tell me what shows up on the map when it is disabled please.

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