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Friend not able to join lobby even though he is inside Geo range

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I have a friend on Black Ops 3 that can not join me who is in New York. He is CLEARLY inside my Geo range and I see him pop up on the map when he tries to join but the yellow triangle comes up everytime.


When friends of mine who are outside the Geo range try, I just adjust the range and they are in.


In his case, he is already in the range, so what can I do to allow him to join when I host?




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Place your fiend on your allow list and that should let him join.


If this don't work you may need to disable your Geofilter and then let him join then re-enable it.

Lastly if all else fails see if you can't get his ID and get it to Fraser and may he can determine why your friend can't join.

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Sometimes an ip address may be dynamic and an isp will dish out a new ip address if a router is rebooted or turned off and on again.

You may simply need to disable the filter and invite again and give 100% in the white list and click on update. then you should be able to join up.

Other things to consider on Black ops 3 is Nat type, Do you both have open nat in game and / or Nat type 2 on PS4 or Xbox equivalent.

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