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Speed Test

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I am getting 162mbts u/l and 12 d/l via a wired connection connected to my Virgin SH in modem mode.  After reconnecting the R1 it went down to 52d/l and 8u/l as you can see a significant loss. 


I have my settings ticked/unticked as recommeded on the wiki pages for my speeds 120+.  But if my speed are so low should I put those speeds in my bandwith (the duma speeds).


It's getting very confusing with these settings, I don't know if I am coming or going most times :)









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Hi Macca,


Make sure the wire connecting Netduma to the hub is a gigabit wire. Then please follow these instructions carefully and you'll get your full speed for sure :)




Also please make sure you "Reset Distribution" in congestion control. And leave it alone, it's buggy in the latest firmware. Will be fixed in upcoming soon. Also when doing a speed test make sure you're anti-flood sliders are 100% otherwise you'll be throttling yourself. 

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