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Router doesn't support IP fragmentation on PS4

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  • Netduma Staff

anteater, NAT Type3. Disconnects. I figured it was my ISP because I changed nothing. My Net kicked off yesterday, then I rebooted and ow I have this issue.


Do you have the GeoFilter when loading up the game to make sure a server isn't getting blocked or anything? :)

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This is what Im getting all of a sudden on PS4. Which gives me a butt load of errors on Destiny. I'm not playing Bllack Ops3 as this router is only working as a QoS service for it at the moment with it. 


I have no clue why this happened.

It's a Sony/playstation thing bro,just to check it out I hooked up my PS3 and it has the same issue with no game loaded.I just went to network settings and checked internet connection and got the same IP fragment message.

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