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Random Offline on all ports

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I am having a lot of random online/offline with my NETDUMA R1 lately.


The lights on R1 indicating connections to both Xbox One and PS4 would be off for 3-4 seconds, and then back on.


It will repeat on/off so many times in short amount of time, driving my PS4 and Xbox One crazy with notifications and desktop animations.


The light for POE port connected to modem stays on. I have tried different cables, changing Ethernet ports used on R1, reset R1.


This problem goes away when I connect consoles through my old router. Please advise.

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received it on November 11, 2015.


PC can connect fine. It's difficult for me to notice any difference on PC.


I am trying using Google DNS instead of ISP DNS to see if problem persists.


So far, no more random disconnect for since first post, 2 days ago. Not sure if this is the root of the problem.

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