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Improperly Hard Reset NETDUMA

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Like Davola posted back in June, I got a bit frustrated with my install not working and hard reset the Netduma.  Unfortunately, unlike poster Davola, I cannot access the Netduma Control Panel thru my PC with an ethernet connection.  The Netduma's IP4 and IP6 settings were blank.  Tried entering the old IP but I don't think I have the other information I need.  Pls help.


The other issue is I try not to run wifi in the house.  I'm an old fashioned guy and have almost all of my stuff hard-wired.


Thanks for any help.



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Hey Crossy,


Yep, just tried it.  The http://r1went unresolved.  I did perform a hard reset on the back.of the Netduma and found out in an earlier forum post that I should not have done that.  I'm afraid I don't have a version number other than the version of the Microtik router sent to me and the box labeling which says Early Adopter Edition.  Wasn't ever able to get into the Dashboard.




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    Yep, the unbrick helped.  However, the IP address wouldn't resolve but when I input http://r1 it took it.  Changed the settings you described then went and changed the wireless password as the S/N wasn't recognized.  Now I still can't get wireless access (on Nexus 7 tablet with Lollipop).  Authentication problem and now stuck on this.  However, it is progress!!!   Also, as a US guy on East Coast and using the FIOS Router/Modem (Have TV and Phone so no direct ONT connection, and I have to use the wireless on the FIOS router.  What do you recommend I do?  Sorry, just kind of excited but still got some growing pains.  Know it's on my end but looking for advice!! 

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No worries Jim, sorry for the late reply. 


Make sure the tablet forgets the password so you have to retype it in. Also disable wifi workaround in settings > misc to see if that helps. 


If you have to use the TV and phone with the modem then that is unavoidable but would then recommend connecting everything else to the duma.

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