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Possible Lag Comp Fix for Xbox One (Don't get your hopes up

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I have always wondered about Bandwidth info on BO3. With my full bandwidth it is always around 4100 give or take.

So I have started doing this. And forgive me if someone has already recommended this. Before starting up BO3 I will set both sliders to 5%. Your browser may try to stop you from doing this but you can force it to do it. Then I will start up BO3.

Now before doing anything else I will check in BO3 the bandwidth. I'm looking for it be 500-1000. If it is not repeat the previous steps.

If it is I then return the sliders to 70/70.


MTU 1480

Upnp enabled

Geofilter in the ocean/PA 30 to 40

Port Forward Xbox ports except the 3074/3075 ports

Please if anyone is willing to try this report back and let me know your experience.

The most important part is the getting the bandwidth within the range I stated.

I was wondering if BO3 is analyzing your connection initially to determine how much lag comp to apply to your connection. Please forgive me if this doesn't make any sense at all. But I had to ask. I need comments or experiences. Thanks.

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