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Please explain the Legend

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Looks like I'm getting symbols on the map that are not in the legend and some that are but no sure how to interpret them.


1) What is the difference between red circles and green circles? 


2) Is the largest circle always the host?


3) What is a large red circle with a green circle inside it?


4) What is the symbol that looks like a radiation sign mean?


5) What does it mean when you have red and green circles inside your distance circle?


Sorry for being such a noob

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1. each slot under host filtering is designated color (i.e. 1st one is always red and so on)

2. Yes largest circles is always the host and if all circles are the same size you are the host.

3. You must have two devices enabled. The red is for the first device and the green is for the second device.

4.  Nuke Symbol: This means that ping assist has allowed you to connect to a host or player that is outside of your GeoFilter range.

5. Their being looked at as possible host and are players in you lobbies.  


Check out this symbol synopsis: http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=geo-filter_symbols

Also have a read through the wiki it should be able to answer most of you questions: http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=start

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No problem. I believe in COD it only shows hosts or possible hosts that meet your criteria (distance and ping) for the game.

Now as a side note in Destiny everyone is their own host so if you play this game it will show all the players in the lobby in the the Geofilter.

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Thanks Buck...that explains a lot.


If I'm in a game with 11 other players the map sometimes only shows a few dots. Is that normal?

Yes that's normal,if you have your GF set at like 2.5 or 5 you won't see all the players.But if you pull your GF back so you can see the entire world, you can see most of the players in the lobby.Although you might not want to as some may be from different countries.


At least that's my experience,your milage may vary.

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Great answers Buck & Fuzzy


Just to add, often you may get:

  1. Two people playing on the same console or same house
  2. Two people living in same area without huge zoom they will overlap


Incidentally, for connection quality the other players aren't really relevant it's always the host that matters. We will do a lag comp video demonstrating this soon. 

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