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Destiny Raid Issues (Geo-Filter)

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Last night I was raiding and was randomly kicked out of the fireteam and could not re-join until I disabled Geo-Filter. I have my Geo-Filter Strict off and the circle is quite large. I kept getting Destiny "marionberry" errors until I disabled the geo-filter. 


Granted I don't need the geo-filter while I raid since it's not matchmaking, but do I have to disable it when not doing anything other than crucible or going to the tower? 

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Well, something weird did happen. One person was dropped for lag and then I was immediately dropped. Upon trying to re-connect I would get marionberry over and over. The only way it let me back in was to disable geo-filter.

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When you entered the raid was everyone in your geo circle,as in i play with my American friends and i have to allow them into my geo filter for us to be able to play together,as if not i cant get into a party etc,but id expect you where all in the same area by the sounds of it...odd these random kicking issues,crucible is the one at the moment thats causing issues

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When you entered the raid was everyone in your geo circle,as in i play with my American friends and i have to allow them into my geo filter for us to be able to play together,as if not i cant get into a party etc,but id expect you where all in the same area by the sounds of it...odd these random kicking issues,crucible is the one at the moment thats causing issues



I think there was one person outside of it, but strict mode was not on. It was an LFG group and we were in the raid for going on 45 min before we had any issues. As soon as one person got kicked for lag I immediately was kicked as well and couldn't get back in without disabling Geo-Filter. It was strange, but as soon as I saw marionberry I knew it was the R1.

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Did you see anything get blocked when you were kicked? If your friend got kicked first and then you it may have been some sort of issue with the host. 


Either way I'm collecting IDs currently to put out a cloud update

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Did you see anything get blocked when you were kicked? If your friend got kicked first and then you it may have been some sort of issue with the host. 


Either way I'm collecting IDs currently to put out a cloud update


Because of all of the issues I have asked for a return. Today is my 7th day having this router and have just had constant issues with Destiny (my primary addiction at the moment). To play I am having to completely disable the geo-filter to get a consistent game and that's the entire reason I bought the router. No one has responded to my return request which is again frustrating.

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The only time I use the geo filter is when I am playing PVP. Really, I would just leave it off for PVE, honestly no point to use it there.


Right, but having it accidentally enabled when trying to just pull the character screen and getting blocked is crazy.

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Right, but having it accidentally enabled when trying to just pull the character screen and getting blocked is crazy.

I agree. I play on my second computer monitor so I always have the net duma control panel pulled up on my other screen, makes it easy for me to enable/disable the geo filter. I always forget that not everybody plays with a computer sitting right next to them, so I could see how it would be a frustration for some.

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