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My xbox one is slower wired than on wifi

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Nat is open for both, wireless speeds are decent 5mbps down 1.5 up. Wired is .5 down 2 up. I've checked the power line and my laptop is getting 20mbps down through the same Ethernet line. The only thing I can think of would be an issue with the MAC address? I've reset it and it didn't help, this makes no sense.

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  • Netduma Staff

Tried it, and as I said over wifi it has no problems, I'm thinking its Xbox related and not netduma but I have no idea why it works fine wirelessly


Maybe it is an Xbox problem. The Xbox speedtest isn't too reliable so it could be related to that.

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Yeah I've tried auto and manual settings. I've tried google dns, my router dns and auto dns nothing's effecting the speed. The same adapter in the same outlet gives my ps4 great speeds. I'm wondering if it's because I'm in the preview program for Xbox or it may be my MAC address I don't know though if it was the netduma id be having the same problem over wifi but wifi works just fine.

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