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Turning Off Bleeding Edge Cloud Improved Lag

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You guy's might know this already but thought i would to give some feedback anyway.  

I've been having bad lag, hit detection just like everyone else with BLOPS 3 and have been adjusting my settings and have found that for me ticking off bleeding edge cloud improves gameplay for me substantially i don't know why this is but the is a very noticeable improvement with this off.  I understand this is meant to be the other way around but that is not that case for me, hit detection defiantly improves with it off.  I don't know if I'm an anomaly when it comes to this or why this is happening this way for me but i also noticed this in AW as well, I'm in AUS i don't know if this has anything todo with it but thought you guys should know anyway.



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This may or may not be specific to you though that's the magic of the interwebs lol.  However it would be awesome if you could provide feedback if you have consistent connections after a week of this adjustment or if you've already done this a while ago, how long it's been doing well for you.

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I have done it a couple of times now and for about 3 days strait this last time.  The most immediate improvement is the hit detection after un ticking bleeding edge the change was immediate.  I have gone back and forth a few times everytime there was an update to the cloud announced i would put it back on update it over night and try again each time when removing bleeding edge i saw an improvement.  There are still problems with BLOPS 3 ticked or un ticked but i find the game and hit detection much more playable with it off.  

I not a 100% about how these cloud updates work but I came to a speculation that maybe some of the Australian based cloud servers are incorrect affecting gameplay but was un shore if this was isolated to myself or if others experienced something similar.


I have BLOPS 3 on PSN and XBL pre-ordered before i new the content changed to PS, all the testing i have done so far has been for XBL but will do the same test for PSN I was just working on unlocking everything for XB before i moved onto PS now that is done i'll see how it is on PSN.


Anyway hope this feedback helps.

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When there is a new cloud update the previous bleeding edge becomes the auto cloud. The incorrect locations is just a visual bug. The cloud moves servers to the correct location, adds dedicated servers (so they correctly appear as one and not just a normal host) and whitelisted servers such as XBL servers etc. 


Nothing here In my opinion would really impact hit detection that much so it seems like its just placebo really. However, if it works for you then that is all that matters :)

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