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Nat Limitations?

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Crossy, it's hit or miss sometimes it works sometimes it don't.

Right now I have them in my allow and it still doesn't even with the game not even launched yet.

I have my setup as 600 miles, 25ms, strict off.

Upnp off, ports forwarded for ps4 BO3

Cloud both ticked. I really need your help I'm missing UMG & MLG due to this.

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  • Netduma Staff

Crossy, it's hit or miss sometimes it works sometimes it don't.

Right now I have them in my allow and it still doesn't even with the game not even launched yet.

I have my setup as 600 miles, 25ms, strict off.

Upnp off, ports forwarded for ps4 BO3

Cloud both ticked. I really need your help I'm missing UMG & MLG due to this.


If it sometimes doesn't work with the GeoFilter disabled then it must be something to do with the people you are joining. Do you have NAT Type 2/Open NAT?

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