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Duma just stopped working

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Ive had my Netduma since September. I have it all set up correctly and havent changed a setting since ive initially calibrated it. I was getting into my first match of Hardline last night and the Duma lost internet connection all of a sudden. It still lights up and i can get into the control interface menus but i cant get it back online. I tried factory resetting it from inside the settings tab and still doesnt connect. I know its not my modem or ISP because my Asus is up and running. Whats the next step for me to take and or how can i get a replacement? Thanks in advance!

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  • Netduma Staff

No number showing


Try this:

  1. Unplug modem and Netduma from power.
  2. Wait 30 seconds.
  3. Plug in modem.
  4. Wait 30 seconds.
  5. Plug in Netduma.
  6. Wait 30 seconds.
  7. Check if there is a number after 'WAN IP' in Netduma. If there is try and access internet :)
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Just reset the modem and router again. Still not connecting to the internet and the WAN IP is still blank. Everything was up and running as it was for the last 2 months. I got into a Hardline server on xb1, ran around for 10 seconds and then it said i lost connection to the server and everything has been off line since with the Duma.

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