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Battlefronts failure was hiring DICE


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SW:BF is meant to be a dumb-downed version of BF. It was never meant to be as complex as BF4 because BF4 is not a casual game in the long-run. It has a steep learning curve whereas SW:BF is meant for the casual masses to cash in on the up-coming movie.

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SW:BF is meant to be a dumb-downed version of BF. It was never meant to be as complex as BF4 because BF4 is not a casual game in the long-run. It has a steep learning curve whereas SW:BF is meant for the casual masses to cash in on the up-coming movie.

Yeah you deffo get that feeling when you play it. Everything was very simplistic. But do you think the game would have been better if the makers of titanfall would have made it?

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can't really judge a game until you see the retail version off it, but from what i saw it looked perfectly fine and was very fun.  Dice did a great job for what a star wars game should be.

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can't really judge a game until you see the retail version off it, but from what i saw it looked perfectly fine and was very fun.  Dice did a great job for what a star wars game should be.

I'm not disputing that for sure. I thought the game had a lot of authenticity to star wars in it. I enjoyed it personally. Although i played alone and deffo think it would have been more fun in a group.


I also think simpler layouts and less menus was a good thing, don't get me wrong i enjoy battlefield too. I'm not sure i will get on release but maybe later on.


The OP purely felt that the game would have been better if made by the makers of titanfall ( respawn entertainment) I thought it would be cool to ask for him to expand his opinion as to why or if anyone else agrees or disagrees that they could have done a better job.


For me personally i don't think so, i thought titanfall was a cool idea but some was just kind of lacking from it! I don't think Respawn could have done any more justice to starwars:bf than Dice already have.

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The OP purely felt that the game would have been better if made by the makers of titanfall ( respawn entertainment) I thought it would be cool to ask for him to expand his opinion as to why or if anyone else agrees or disagrees that they could have done a better job.


For me personally i don't think so, i thought titanfall was a cool idea but some was just kind of lacking from it! I don't think Respawn could have done any more justice to starwars:bf than Dice already have.


I really liked Titanfall too.  And they could have done a great job, or could have fudged it up.  It's hard to say what any developer could have done for it.  But it's def nice to see what Dice did and i agree, i don't think anyone could have hit the mark any better from what we've seen.

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SW is "easy" to make a war game out of because... Well, it's SW. However, the problem becomes how complex (or not) do devs want to make the game given its primary audience may in fact be a whole new generation of young fans who will be introduced to the Original Trilogy, for the first time, December 18th. Jump in and play is what Dice / EA wants for SW:BF because they hope after kids see the movie they will hop online to relive some of those battles. 


I think for what it is SW:BF is not bad. However, I think Dice -- if given a choice -- Would probably have liked to make a game similar to BF4 with a real learning curve because they tried the dumbed down approach with BF:H, and it didn't go over to well with the masses. Many accused Dice of going the "CoD route" a.k.a. CoD is for dummies, supposedly with BF:H. Whatever, people are entitled to their opinions, but that design philosophy of over simplifying often bites publishers and developers in the ass because it usually means no long-term replay value if players can master everything within a day (eight hours or less).

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here is my reason, they [respawn] made original COD which is an arcade twitch shooter and it was the BEST arcade twitch shooter for a long time mostly due to what became respawn entertainment. they left to create titanfall which regardless of its shortcomings played really nicely for the most part, even with HUGE maps. Battlefront however is rather boring like Battlefield is and just cant seem to escape that "feel" which killed my interest in getting that game which i have always been a huge BF1/2 fan of and played it loads years ago. its not a learning curve thing, its a complete boredom thing.


Its not like IW or 3ARC or even god forbid SHG could have done Battlefront since they are immensely wrapped up in the CoD series, but with Titanfall kind of flopping, i think respawn could not only have handled making Battlefront but making it play really smooth and great. Battlefront is supposed to be arcadey and easy... fun. its not so far. it was annoying, laggy and played really poorly. it just didnt feel right.


as for "feeling like star wars"? thats easy, its all sound effects and lasers with the cinematic score and in game heros. you can make minecraft feel like star wars with the right mods to it.

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