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Can anyone help??


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I've avoided AW for a week because I was fed up of the bs hit detection and connection,I decided last night to play a bit of AW on xbone and it's still the same story,terrible hit detection shoot first and die,I play on a 5ms samsung monitor and even play with my controller wired to eliminate any lag,i have adsl 17 down 1 up and when running the diagnostics test on the R1 I get EXCEPTIONAL across the board with no packet loss and ping of 12,my brother also has the R1 and has a test I tried playing straight out of my sky hub instead of the R1 and let him do the game searching,immediately the connection was amazing,I've done done factory resets reboots the lot and still the terrible connection is there,my brother has no trouble with his,hes on sky fibre 40/10 but when comparing stats on the R1 test we both have identical pings of 12,I'm a decent player with a k.d of 2.2 so it's not as though I have no thumbs and im blaming the connection it genuinely is terrible for me,is there something I'm missing?do i need to be set up different?got the R1 a week before Xmas and it was so smooth but it's dropped drastically for me

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi guys,


I'm going to try help and I think I can, but firstly I must stress that unless the following has happened its impossible for you to have a worse experience on the R1, because it doesn't add latency anywhere:

  1. It may be possible you starved your connection on congestion control, if you reset distribution & set anti-flood to 100% that will dismiss that theory
  2. If you play on wifi the interference between other routers on the same channel could be causing it


The goal of the Duma is to get you low ping games, the first thing to do is check if you're getting low ping games. In the UK I'd say that is around 40ms and below(it maybe higher if you have a bad Internet). If you have high ping then please read this article which describes how you can mitigate lag.


If you are getting low ping games, then it should be smooth as lower ping is universally synonymous with better gameplay. However if for some reason you still don't like it then you still have the control with the Duma. Watch the Geo-Filter you'll probably find you keep getting put on the same host. If you don't like that host then simply:

  1. Avoid using the deny feature if you can
  2. Avoid it by moving your home and changing your distance
  3. If you're getting it with ping assist then set ping assist to 0ms to stop that happening

So you have total control of your connection and can optimise it how you feel.


  • Ben, I suggest you copy your brothers Geo-Filter settings identically as he is getting the hosts you like.
  • Black Ops, I suggest you set ping assist to 0ms and try strict mode off for a while till you find a host you like. Once you find it move your home & distance appropriate so you keep connecting to it.
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Hi mate thanks for your determination to help,I've been on the phone to sky and I believe the issue was on there end,had my line enabled for a gamer profile which was trying to shove 2.5 upload when my line cant handle that so they think it may have caused errors,not playing now so still not tested but ill try it sometime this wknd

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