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Netduma resetting to defaults when rebooted

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Hi guys.


I've had the Netduma around 10 months now. For the last few weeks, the device constantly drops all settings after a reboot.


I'm running on and this is a big issue with around 14 devices connected, because I need to re-enter all the device names etc. so that they're recognisable in the device manager. All servers and friends need to be re-done for the geo-filter. It's a real chore. As is the demo that plays when I log in after the reboot. Is there a quick way to disable this?

I hope you guys can shed some light on this as i'm about to launch it out the door, such is my frustration. ;D


All the best.



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  • Netduma Staff

Hi Strange Days,


How are you doing the reboot? Is it with the reboot button on Settings >> Miscellaneous?


Basically if you reboot by pulling the power, any changes made within the last hour won't have been saved whereas if you use the button on the GUI the settings are saved before the restart :)

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  • Netduma Staff

Hi guys...


Normally the device is powered 24/7, but this has nothing to do with settings changed within the last hour, then lost. Surely It shouldn't be factory resetting with a power off?


It isn't factory reseting, it is just removing any changes that you've made ~within the last hour. If before you power off you reboot from Settings >> Miscellaneous you shouldn't have this problem.

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I think i should've named the subject of the thread better...

Substitute 'rebooting' to 'when powered off'.


When powered off for any length of time. Varying from minutes to days, ALL settings are reverting to default. I get the wizard/thanks for buying/prompted to set isp speed each time. Everything I've set is lost.


It happened 3 days ago, then again today. Today it was only offline for around 10 minutes while i moved the room about. There were no changes made and I've not even touched the geo filter since the initial setup again on Saturday morning.


Technically, as is, I'm unable to relocate the device without losing all the settings. I also tend to power off everything when I'm away for a few days(work usually). Minimal power drain or not, it needs to be powered off.


It was fine doing this, up until a few weeks ago.

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