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SFV (Street Fighter 5) Beta - PS4


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This is the 2nd beta for this game on PS4, but first time I have played it with my duma.


I had my geofilter set as I normally have it, to cover around 700kms (UK and part of Europe), with a ping assist of around 40 (strict on). But I was still being matched with USA players where the game was unplayable due to lag.


Presuming something needs to be done so the duma can block people outside of my geo range.


Just to note that the matchmaking in this beta is a bit messed up, so it does not match people up as much as it should.


Let me know if you need anything from me to look at this.



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Hey Beck, thanks for posting on this, we would love to get the game supported with the Geo-filter. 


We don't usually try to gain support for betas as they are subject to change once the final game comes out. 


However if you can provide me with the IDs of any blocked hosts you're getting when searching, and any other IDs such as the ones it connects to in America I can have a look at them and try to implement them in the next cloud update

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for not coming back to this, I was away for most of the beta so didnt get much chance to get back on.


Probably best to wait till this game is out and see how it goes then.



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