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questions from a potential customer

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I'm aware that this might not be the adequate subforum, but idk what is. Feel free to move the thread if you can (admins) or let me know and i'll move it myself. 

I'm very interested in purchasing a netduma, however i have a couple of questions first.

First of all, i'm a console gamer so i'd like to know if i can still use the ping and geographical filters to full effect on ps4.

Next, i'd like some more info on this geofilter. I mainly play destiny, does the geofilter work on all online games ? or only on certain titles such as call of duty.

Last question; i have a rather large house, my isp hub is in the basement, i have a router on the first floor and a second router on the second floor. The reason is that the signal of the router on the first floor wont reach the 2nd floor to have a stable connection. My ps4 is wired on the router on the 2nd floor. Both routers are hooked directly to the isp hub. I was thinking of two potential configurations. 1) hook up the netduma to the isp and hook up both routers to the netduma. 2) remove the 2nd floor router and put the netduma there. 


Honestly, is it worth it ? I cringe everytime i play competitive in destiny because i get paired with godawful connections. 



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  • Netduma Staff

Hi Rcaluw, welcome to the forum :)


I'll try and answer your questions in order:

  1. Yes, you can use the Netduma with your PS4 and you will be able to use all the featured from then GeoFilter for it.
  2. It works on only some online games but games can be added so they are supported by the Netduma. Currently it supports the games here :)
  3. The first set up would be best. Then you should put the other two routers in AP mode so you get the most out of the Netduma.

I would recommend reading the buyers guide which I linked before to see if it will benefit you. In most cases the answer is yes!

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