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All players need to be in radius??

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Hi there,


I just received my Netduma today.


My apologies if I've misunderstood something.


I set my radius to within the UK, I see a lot of exclamation triangles appearing (mostly in america), there always seems to be one red circle in america which I assume is a dedicated server?


It really struggles to find a game.


I thought the geo filter radius was to determine where I wish the host to be located, but all other players can be anywhere...


Is this what I've misunderstood, and the radius actually represents where I want the host to be AND all other players..?


As there seem to be plenty of people in america appearing, but it never gives me a game with them...


Hope that makes sense.


Thank you.

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Welcome squatman


You are half correct.  The Geo Filter, when ENABLED, with "0" Ping Assist, and 'STRICT' mode ticked SHOULD always be the radius of where your HOST is located.  This sounds like what you have going as you are seeing yellow triangles in the US.  Those are other hosts trying to suck you into their game. :D


Players will be able to join the hosted lobby from anywhere, the Duma has no control over that aspect of the matchmaking, but the host SHOULD be close to you and within your Geo Filter radius.


Does that help?



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Dillinger, thank you for your response.


Your response helped.


So just to clarify...




Strict Mode = Off

Distance = 225km

Ping Assist = 50ms


This will allow a close host, and will also allow anyone in the world to connect and play?



Strict Mode = On

Distance = 225km

Ping Assist = 0ms


This will allow a close host, and will only allow players within 225km to connect?



Also, the red circle that I constantly see in the US changing size. Is this just xbox live..?


Thank you.

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  • Netduma Staff

Strict mode on means you will only connect to hosts within the GeoFilter, strict mode off means you can connect to dedicated servers outside of the GeoFilter :) Unless you are playing a P2P game such as destiny, the Netduma can't control other players in your game.

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  • Netduma Staff

Crossy, thanks for the reply.


Do you play much Halo MCC with Strict on and a local radius..?


I just can't seem to get a game, and usually it's fairly easy to get a game. I can't believe everyone else is doing a similar thing...


I don't play that game no. Others on here do and Iain (the creator of the router) plays it too so they might be able to give you settings that work for them.


From the settings you posted above, it sounds like you might have made the GeoFilter a bit too small so can you increase its range to at least 1000km and see if you still have problems getting into games.

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