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Laggish Lobbies?

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So I got my router all hooked up and running Monday night, spend a long time on the phone with At&t uVerse. But, we were able to set up the Netduma through the router behind router connect. I believe I have everything fully set up, I have shut down the wifi from the uVerse router to eliminate interference, and have tested out the geofiltering, CC, etc.. Love all the things this router can do, But... getting into games (COD) the whole time playing seems off. I dunno if I would classify it as laggy though. Everything in my opinion seems speed up I guess? or jittery? The hit detction and everything was great and I was doing good. But I guess I just want to know if this is how it should look/feel when playing now?  I have tested different CC percentages to find the best for me and I think it is the 70/70 as recommended but, maybe I should have a different setup for the congestion control. My speeds are (22.82 Down Mbps/1.96 Up Mbps with usually a 30 ping) I usually wouldn't ask anything and be happy, but before I got the R1 my games weren't this jittery/felt speed up. I also play on a 40" Sony Bravia Hdtv, (waiting to buy a BenQ monitor), but this is actually a really good tv for gaming So i don't think the response/Lag input from it would matter with this issue.  Could anyone just give me an Idea of what my setup should be when it comes to the CC/Device Distribution/Ping Assists/etc.. for the optimal gaming experience?

(PS. I did run the Ping test as well, and it came back as (Good/Exceptional/Exceptional/No loss) Maybe I still have an issue with the router behind router setup? or maybe I'm just nuts..)

Thank you to all for the help!!

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Awesome to hear you managed to get set up! Have you prioritised your console in congestion control? I would recommend 70/70 and prioritising the console really. I can't really comment on the jitteryness or that its sped up as I haven't had that issue. 


I would say that playing on that large a TV wouldn't be ideal but you'll be able to compare when you get your monitor. 


There shouldn't be a problem as 30ms is really good, hopefully prioritising the console will help :)

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Awesome to hear you managed to get set up! Have you prioritised your console in congestion control? I would recommend 70/70 and prioritising the console really. I can't really comment on the jitteryness or that its sped up as I haven't had that issue. 


I would say that playing on that large a TV wouldn't be ideal but you'll be able to compare when you get your monitor. 


There shouldn't be a problem as 30ms is really good, hopefully prioritising the console will help :)

Hey Fraser!


Yes, I did initially set up the priority to my console at like 60% and sharing the rest about evenly through the home but when playing should I raise that more to focus just on the console I am playing on? And when setting the Prioritizing, Should I have it set up to how I will always use it for my home or should I reset the distributions evenly to all devices when I'm not gaming? (Kind of like How I have seen some videos say when your not gaming reset the CC to 100/100) Hope that makes sense, I know this is going to be a learning curve and a lot of testing to get mine to its full potential. :)

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Yes you can do because if it needs the upload it can grab it if other devices aren't making use of it. If other devices need it they can grab it if the console isn't using it. Yes you could do that if you wanted to, though the other devices could still have the upload available. I'd keep anti-flood as it is if you're using the internet heavily even whilst gaming. Otherwise for normal browsing etc you could put it to 100% :)

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Yes you can do because if it needs the upload it can grab it if other devices aren't making use of it. If other devices need it they can grab it if the console isn't using it. Yes you could do that if you wanted to, though the other devices could still have the upload available. I'd keep anti-flood as it is if you're using the internet heavily even whilst gaming. Otherwise for normal browsing etc you could put it to 100% :)

Sounds good I will let you know how my testing goes this evening when I get home.. I might play some different games to see how it goes as well, sometimes the AW servers are terrible..

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Yes you can do because if it needs the upload it can grab it if other devices aren't making use of it. If other devices need it they can grab it if the console isn't using it. Yes you could do that if you wanted to, though the other devices could still have the upload available. I'd keep anti-flood as it is if you're using the internet heavily even whilst gaming. Otherwise for normal browsing etc you could put it to 100% :)

So I did as you requested and let me tell you, It worked amazingly! Everything was definitely better then before. Hit detection was on point and the speed movement was incredible. It will be even better i'm sure once I make an upgrade to my gaming display. I did just see in some of your notes tho that I should have 'auto-ping host' and 'strict mode' enabled to better apply the GeoFiltering. Im going to keep playing around to see what best works to get more performance out of this monster! Good work on an amazing router and thank you for all your help!

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