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White list a friend across country?


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So I'm in California and start a party with 1 friend in my area and no problems there.  I have another friend in New York and I send him an invite to join our party but he can't.  I read there is whitelisting a friend but how do you actually do it when I have no idea where he is on the map?  If I do see some host, dots, circles around the New York area but how do I know which is him?  Maybe I'm approaching this all wrong.  Sorry If this was asked before.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

We are actually looking into easy ways to add a friend. Right now the easiest is to just jump in a lobby with them there circle will be the biggest then add to whitelist.

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That's how I've done if for a few friends in The US (I'm based I. The UK).


One thing to keep in mind is that he could potentially suffer with a terrible game.


If you have you geo filter set low to give you the best connection you are garenteeing he will always connect to host further away. Te guys I play with end up with 2bar connections.


That's my understanding anyway.

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@ boxone i just go into a private match with them and then click on their circle,it will be the only one in there and then rate them at 100 and your all set

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