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P2P games on efootball

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Not that I am aware of no. A P2P game will show with a peer icon on the map, however this can be misclassified and actually be a server. If you look on the ping window on the Geo-Filter when playing, if it's just a basic IP address then it could be a player, if it's more of a longer address then most likely a server. However, I am fairly certain it's primarily a dedicated server game so I don't think you do have P2P matches.

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When matchmaking, many times i see dedicated server then canceled and gave me a peer icon game.

And unfortunately it's a very laggy game. 

I have a good connexion with a A+ on waveform 

And A+ on the test of netgear xr1000. 

There are any method to confirm if my game is a really p2p or on a server ? 

And if it's a p2p how to know if it will a good game before accepting the matchmaking game

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