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Optimiser Disappeared

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 @Netduma FraserJust noticed that I know longer have optimiser activated on my Gen 3. Since I am on the High speed plan 750/40 I had to have this manually activated by @mannrs is there a reason this was removed? Can it be activated again?

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@mannrs can correct me if I'm wrong but this will be related to the issues mentioned recently that we've been investigating and monitoring. It's likely that issues were observed on your modem and so it was disabled to avoid interuption to your internet service and will be restored when testing a fix/once fixed

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5 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

@mannrs can correct me if I'm wrong but this will be related to the issues mentioned recently that we've been investigating and monitoring. It's likely that issues were observed on your modem and so it was disabled to avoid interuption to your internet service and will be restored when testing a fix/once fixed

I read those issues some were having on Gen 2, but I am on Gen 3, I did notice websites loading slow on multiple browsers after February update, is that related to the other issues people were having? Again since I am on the highest speed tier I need my optimiser activated by @mannrs, not worried that its been removed for issues, but when an update is rolled out will it be reactivated automatically, as I cant select it as an Extra option via Telstra due to my speed tier 

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I can't say for certain if that is it/the reason you don't have it but makes sense based on what is having currently and yes I would expect it would re-enable automatically when ready. I will send this over to mannrs though to double check

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