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traffic prioritization l Netduma R2 Firmware atual v.3.3.280


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I activated traffic prioritization for COD BO6(type normal/default ), but it is not recognizing down and up packets in online matches.

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What is the model of the modem/router the R2 is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the R2? E.g R2 in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode

What platform are you playing on and how is it connected, via ethernet or WiFi?

How did you add it to Traffic Prioritization exactly - what service?

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4 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Qual é o modelo do modem/roteador ao qual o R2 está conectado e como você o configurou para garantir que todo o tráfego flua para o R2? Por exemplo, R2 em seu modo DMZ, modem/bridge

Em qual plataforma você está jogando e como ela está conectada, via Ethernet ou WiFi?

Como você adicionou isso exatamente à Priorização de Tráfego — qual serviço?

My modem is a Nokia G-1425G-B (fiber optic). I have configured R2 in modem DMZ mode.

I play on PC via ethernet.

I manually set it to Call of Duty( Series ), type normal( default ) apply to wan. I have open NAT without R2, but I can only get moderate NAT with R2. I've tried putting the PC IP into R2 DMZ mode, but I still can't get NAT open.

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It's likely we have to update the Call of Duty series option so remove that then add it as a console instead, does it prioritize then?

Disable the Geo-Filter before booting the game, does it show open for NAT then?

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5 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

It's likely we have to update the Call of Duty series option so remove that then add it as a console instead, does it prioritize then?

Disable the Geo-Filter before booting the game, does it show open for NAT then?

I will test and return with the result.

Is the effect of console prioritization the same as on PC?

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6 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Yeah it will prioritize just the same

I tested all the recommendations, but nothing solved the problems mentioned.

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29 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Você pode fornecer uma captura de tela de como o dispositivo é adicionado ao Prio?

Foi o IP WAN do roteador que você colocou na DMZ do Nokia?




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42 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Can you provide a screenshot of how the device is added to prio please?

Was it the WAN IP of the router you put in the DMZ on the Nokia?

I installed the previous firmware and then installed the latest one to fix the problem, but nothing resolved it. I factory reset after installation.

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I don't know if that's the WAN IP or not, does it match the WAN IP on the System Information page?

You've added it with the Call of Duty service, not the Games Console one, switch to the Games Console service and it will prioritize.

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3 horas atrás, Netduma Fraser disse:

Não sei se esse é o IP da WAN ou não, ele corresponde ao IP da WAN na página Informações do sistema?

Você o adicionou com o serviço Call of Duty, não com o console de jogos, mude para o serviço de console de jogos e ele priorizará.

Problems resolved!

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