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Hats off to the developers


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I have to say that this product is absolutely awesome. How it has come to be that no one has thought of doing this (especially considering that there are gaming routers out there) is amazing to me.


I'll give you a little bit of background on my gaming history in FPS. I started out playing Rogue Spear on PC like 15 years ago. Back then you played on MSN Zone and you actually controlled your own matchmaking. If you opened a lobby you were the host automatically. Each lobby basically looked like a chatroom and then you entered the game. Before even entering the lobby you could check the latency of the host by simply mousing over there name. Guess what? Lower pings equalled better games (if they had the bandwidth to back it up). After about two titles I just got away from it.


Fast forward to MW2. I caught my buddy playing and was back in full force again. This time on XBox and for the first time ever with a controller (yes I sucked unholy buttholes). The one thing that amazed the hell out of me is just how bad the matching was. The vagueness of the 3 bar, 4 bar etc and who is host really took me back.


As soon as I heard about this router I absolutely had to get it just because it actually returned control back to the player like it was when I first started playing. The odds are far higher in my favor now and that is money well spent imo.



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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thanks Gunzby!


I had similar experience as in went from old school PC gaming to console gaming. I think consoles do a really good job of making the whole gaming service integrated and out the box. I remember being amazed by the microphone on first xbox live units. The friends list, matchmaking, etc all done very well. I mean we all know the mouse is so much better than a controller yet we all play console games.


The problem with just making your own lobbies is you play the same people every day in and out. Its awesome to play different people every game in my opinion. Again my opinion but always playing the same people means the game strategy can get a bit stagnated as you reach a sort of nash equilibrium amongst yourselves. However on consoles matchmaking the diversity means you're constantly evolving.

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Thanks Gunzby!


I had similar experience as in went from old school PC gaming to console gaming. I think consoles do a really good job of making the whole gaming service integrated and out the box. I remember being amazed by the microphone on first xbox live units. The friends list, matchmaking, etc all done very well. I mean we all know the mouse is so much better than a controller yet we all play console games.


The problem with just making your own lobbies is you play the same people every day in and out. Its awesome to play different people every game in my opinion. Again my opinion but always playing the same people means the game strategy can get a bit stagnated as you reach a sort of nash equilibrium amongst yourselves. However on consoles matchmaking the diversity means you're constantly evolving.


Crawl back into your development HOLE! :)

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