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You'll need to perform all those instructions which includes disabling IPv6 and then if/once you've done that, posting here from a device connected to the R3.

Right now I'm still seeing an IPv6 address so they wouldn't be able to connect.

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  • Administrators

That's a local IP, we don't need that, I can see IPv6 again, did you re-enable IPv6 or are you not posting from a device connected to the router?

They won't be able to connect unless you follow the steps I provided exactly. If you absolutely did then your IP changed so we'll need you to post here again from a device connected to the router so we can get the latest IP address.

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Disregard my last message, they tried again and were unable to connect again. It's the public IP, it's not visible on the Netduma Interface. 

You are using another modem/router above the R3, how did you set it, in modem or bridge mode or did you put the R3 in its DMZ? Please take a screenshot of what you did.

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