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dumaos/ on pc wont connect to R3


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I have followed all setup instructions and reset my plusnet hub 2 twice . The r3 internet light is lit , i have internet on my hub 2 but dumaos/ says unable to connect.

Is there a setting on my hub 2 that i should change before connecting the R3.

Thanks for any help


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I have the same issue, did you manage to fix this? I have my r3 plugged straight into my modem so should just work right out the box but no Internet to pc which is strange. You might have to put your hub2 into modem mode I used to do that with a virgin media router and the old r2 box.

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Ive tried resetting and waiting and the starting R3 and i still get cant reach this page, tried the android app and it says no internet access.

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@BAGGY67In bridge mode, did you add your PPPoE details on the R3? You can check this out as it seems to be a setup process that correlates to your issue https://community.plus.net/t5/My-Router/Hub-One-or-new-Hub-Two-in-bridge-mode/td-p/1937055

  • Advanced Setting > Broadband > Internet > Bridging > Enabled. Save settings.


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