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Powecable Netduma r1

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27 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You don't need a specific R1 adapter but as long as you get an adapter with these specs it will work: https://linitx.com/product/mikrotik-24v-1.2a-uk-power-supply/15170?/ad-g-shp-mikt&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsZGjiOq24wIVzLHtCh3fBQ_4EAQYASABEgIyLvD_BwE

Thanks , 

there is just one problem whit this , thé plug for stick in électricité works here not , 

we have different , 

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You don't need to buy that specific adapter, you can just use that for the specs and to see what it could look like, you can find the equivalent with your correct plug type

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20 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You don't need to buy that specific adapter, you can just use that for the specs and to see what it could look like, you can find the equivalent with your correct plug type

Thanks Fraser , 

i Gonna Search fast and buy thé adapter and back enjoy whit thé netduma since 4 years ago 

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31 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You don't need to buy that specific adapter, you can just use that for the specs and to see what it could look like, you can find the equivalent with your correct plug type

One question , 

behind thé duma r1 stand dc8-30v and thé Specs what u give is 24v , 

is this a problem ,? 

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