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Help Needed: R2 Router Not Connecting with Zen Full Fibre Broadband


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Hi Netduma Team and Community,

I’m reaching out for some assistance with getting my R2 router connected to Zen Full Fibre broadband. Here’s a summary of my setup and the issues I’m facing:

I purchased the R2 router back in 2021. Initially, I was using it with BT as my ISP, but due to some connection issues, I packed it away after about a year. Recently, we switched to Zen Full Fibre broadband with a 500/500 Mbps speed, and I decided to give the R2 another shot, hoping it would perform better with a full fibre connection.

Here’s my setup and what I’ve done so far:

  1. Updated Firmware: I downloaded the latest firmware (3.3.280) and updated the R2 router.
  2. Current ISP & Setup: Zen is now our ISP, and the ONT box is connected to a Fritzbox 7530ax router. After speaking with Zen, they confirmed I could connect my ONT directly to the R2 (via WAN port) and bypass the Fritzbox.
  3. Initial Setup: I connected the ONT to the R2’s WAN port, performed a factory reset to start fresh, and launched the setup wizard.

Issue: When I tried running the setup wizard, it detected no internet connection. I checked the forums, and per advice from Frazier and other posts, I skipped the wizard setup and manually entered the PPPoE credentials in the WAN section. However, despite following all instructions and troubleshooting suggestions, I still have no internet connection.

I would appreciate any guidance on what I might be missing or further steps I could take to resolve this issue. I’d love to get my R2 fully up and running with Zen as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide!

P.S screenshots attached for trying to connect via PPPoE and DHCP





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It looks like you're trying to use the DHCP identifiers and PPPoE at the same time, which one is it you specifically need for the internet? Then remove the other one, save, reboot the ONT, wait 2 minutes, reboot the R2 from the interface, wait 4 minutes and then see if you get internet please

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Thanks for your quick reply Fraser!

The screen shot was to show I tried both methods at different times and still I got no internet access. I also rebooted the r2 and ONT each time I did this without any improvements.

For the moment I have reconnected to the Fritz box and the connection is working fine so need your help to troubleshoot these issues…



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The PPPoE details I got from Zen when I became a customer, when that option didn’t work I looked through this forums and came acrossthe DhCP identifiers you provided to a different customer with a similar problem. As it worked for him thought I’d try doing the same without any luck.

I’m not techi at all, i just want the R2 working so i can get online and also play a few games. So what ever method you recommend I will try 🙂

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It might be that you need VLAN - with it directly connected to the ONT, remove the DHCP identifiers and just use PPPoE, save that, then for the MAC address cloning part put the fritzbox MAC address (likely on a sticker on the underside of it) then save. Then for VLAN put 911 save, reboot from the interface, wait 4 minutes then see if you get internet please.

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