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XR500 can't login to interface

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Hello, i just get my old xr500 out of the box, i did a factory reset, but when i'm asked to enter login / password, neither admin / password or admin/admin is working.
i tried routerlogindotcom & dotnet
I tried reset the password but he ask me 2 questions which apparently are wrong for him
i'm pretty stuck at this point.
The setup is :  the xr500 is connected to my router (RJ45) and i'm connected to xr500 on wifi (netgear40-5g) with my laptop.


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48 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

It sounds like the factory reset wasn't done properly if it's asking you recovery questions. Hold the reset button for 30 seconds, then wait 4 minutes before accessing the interface then admin / password should work.


I finally managed to make it reset and connect to the interface without the xr500 being connected to my router (rj45)
The ip with ipconfig give me :
I can connect to it or by using routerlogin.net, so far so good
However, as soon as i finished the manual setup (password & such) if i connect the internet cable between the xr500 & my internet router, it doesn't work. it tell me the website is not accessible anymore.

After pluging my rj50 between XR500 & internet router, I tried an ipconfig it's not anymore but my ipv4 (24.xx.xx etc.)
Sounds like it might be a problem related to freebox delta, i made some research and i found we have to use dmz or the xr500 as a "direct/point access" (don't know the translation in english) i don't know much about dmz & stuff, and i have another computer connected to my internet router so i don't want to make a mistake at this stage

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It's more likely that your freebox uses for you to access it which is why the XR should be setup when connected to it as it would change it's LAN IP to automatically to prevent a conflict. You'll either have to reset and then set it up this way again so it does that or disconnect it like you did before then change the router LAN IP in settings, then connect it back to the delta and you should be able to access it from routerlogin.net or

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16 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

It's more likely that your freebox uses for you to access it which is why the XR should be setup when connected to it as it would change it's LAN IP to automatically to prevent a conflict. You'll either have to reset and then set it up this way again so it does that or disconnect it like you did before then change the router LAN IP in settings, then connect it back to the delta and you should be able to access it from routerlogin.net or

Thanks, i'm not sure to understand 100% of what you said but i'm gonna try.
So just to be clear, i have 2 choice
1) reset the rx500, but instead of doing the setup offline then connect the xr500  to the router, i connect the xr500 to the router directly before the reset ?
or 2) change the IP LAN of my internet router. Bt what should i put in that "LAN IP" thing exactly ?

Important information, i managed to get internet while being connected to the xr500 by putting google dns inthe  ipv4 & ipv6 of internet router, problem is i can't access the xr500 interface at routerlogin.net (it redirect me to the website) and the ip is now (it doesn't work if i enter it) Maybe it's not important but, eh !
I'm adding some screenshot of my router interface if it can help



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Salut !
Ne touches à rien sur la Freebox dans un premier temps !

Un fois la configuration du XR500 terminée, il te suffit d'aller voir sur ton PC quelle passerelle utilisée pour accèder à l'interface web dumaOS via le statut de ta carte réseau. (Ton PC doit être connecté soit en wifi soit en ethernet au XR500)

Soit, soit (via le naviguateur)

Ensuite :

Pour DMZ le XR500 via ta Freebox c'est simple : (exemple avec un R3)





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11 hours ago, Fuzy said:

Salut !
Ne touches à rien sur la Freebox dans un premier temps !

Un fois la configuration du XR500 terminée, il te suffit d'aller voir sur ton PC quelle passerelle utilisée pour accèder à l'interface web dumaOS via le statut de ta carte réseau. (Ton PC doit être connecté soit en wifi soit en ethernet au XR500)

Soit, soit (via le naviguateur)

Ensuite :

Pour DMZ le XR500 via ta Freebox c'est simple : (exemple avec un R3)





Merci bien à toi et Frazer. L'astuce de reset à en laissant brancher le rj45 au routeur a marché pour le pc principal. Je n'ai pas eu besoin encore d'utiliser la DMZ je regarderais

Une question, dans mes parametres de geofiltre, quand je choisis Call of duty, je ne peux pas choisir / modifier mes serveurs, j'ai le message :
Votre périphérique a été ajouté avec le mode de filtrage désactivé. Vous pouvez toujours envoyer des requêtes ping et surveiller les serveurs en temps réel. Le mode de filtrage n'est actuellement pas pris en charge pour ce jeu.

ça vient du xr500 ? car avec mon netduma R2 je n'avais aucun problème avec Call of Duty.


XR500 V2.3.2.134

Merci @Netduma Fraser

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Try this:

  1. Quit the application/game/client completely
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Give PC PlayStation Device Type in the Device Manager
  4. Resync from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  5. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter with the manual option
  6. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like
  7. Wait 2 minutes
  8. Boot up application/game/client

Then see if it works.

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