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VPN with Warzone (cod in general)


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Please help and enlighten me. What is the current situation with VPNs in Warzone. Is it possible to get banned just by using one of them? Could the VPN server’s IP be “tainted” if someone else e.g. cheated while using the same server?

I don’t really care about the sbmm aspect of it. I mainly got it to reroute my connections through my neighboring countries. After a few games I can say it feels smoother and the hit detection feels better. Will have to test a bit more. 

How many of you are using a VPN with Warzone? What’s the experience been for you?

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Anyone? 😅 @Netduma Fraser Do you or the team have any knowledge on this? Alternatively is there a way to route my connection through a specific authentication server and have also the geofilter on for a selected game server? Would like to test if this improves the connection at all without a VPN.

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Vpns are not going to get you banned from using them on call of dutys they allow it otherwise it would state in TOS .. Vpns are not a cheat .. I use a vpn daily on warzone .. To use a vpn on call of duty tho its not like a normal vpn you need cods ip address of the cod servers to add to vpn config unlike a normal vpn will produce high ping .. I made my own vpn config using openvpn and i only traffic certain traffic needed so my ping will stay low around same ping i normally get give or take  no matter of location i select rather then use a certain location and be on 100ms ping i dont get that as i say only way round that is having ip address call of duty uses .. I cant really give that info out as that is breaking sbmm not sure how strict things are like that on here being talked about but feel free to search online plenty info and whats needed ect 

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4 hours ago, Thorkay said:

Vpns are not going to get you banned from using them on call of dutys they allow it otherwise it would state in TOS .. Vpns are not a cheat .. I use a vpn daily on warzone .. To use a vpn on call of duty tho its not like a normal vpn you need cods ip address of the cod servers to add to vpn config unlike a normal vpn will produce high ping .. I made my own vpn config using openvpn and i only traffic certain traffic needed so my ping will stay low around same ping i normally get give or take  no matter of location i select rather then use a certain location and be on 100ms ping i dont get that as i say only way round that is having ip address call of duty uses .. I cant really give that info out as that is breaking sbmm not sure how strict things are like that on here being talked about but feel free to search online plenty info and whats needed ect 


What about this part:

"Spoofing: Any attempt to hide, disguise, or obfuscate your identity or the identity of your hardware devices may result in a permanent suspension."

Like I said, I'm not trying to get around the SBMM. The hit detection (/lag) seems better when I route my traffic through my neighboring country. :)

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Spoofers are not a vpn and are used by cheaters to change details on pc parts total different thing it would state vpns like it did with the spoofer it names certain things listed that they dont allow feel free to message call of duty and even ask them you asked a question i gave you the correct answer to start with all this info is in tos as i stated nowhere does it stat you cant use vpns or printed to say its a bannable offense .. 99% Streamers use vpns hense low skilled players and they drop 30+ kills they aint that good its level of lobby they get very low based kd lobbys below 0.8 kd lobbys to drop that ... I dont get how making your connection futher away will make your hit reg any better If your hit reg is bad that its your connection or settings within the rourt Qos that needs adjusted to suit your connection for better hit reg ...

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On 19/09/2024 at 13:58, Thorkay said:

Les spoofers ne sont pas des VPN et sont utilisés par les tricheurs pour modifier les détails des pièces du PC, ce qui est totalement différent. Il indiquerait les VPN comme il l'a fait avec le spoofer, il nomme certaines choses répertoriées qu'ils n'autorisent pas, n'hésitez pas à envoyer un message à Call of Duty et même à leur demander si vous avez posé une question, je vous ai donné la bonne réponse pour commencer. Toutes ces informations sont dans les termes de l'article, comme je l'ai indiqué, nulle part il n'est indiqué que vous ne pouvez pas utiliser de VPN ou imprimé pour dire que c'est une infraction passible de bannissement. 99 % des streamers utilisent des VPN, donc les joueurs peu qualifiés et ils perdent plus de 30 kills, ils ne sont pas si bons que ça, c'est le niveau du lobby, ils obtiennent des lobbys très bas en dessous de 0,8 kd, les lobbys pour laisser tomber ça... Je ne comprends pas comment le fait d'éloigner votre connexion améliorera votre hit reg. Si votre hit reg est mauvais, c'est votre connexion ou les paramètres dans le rourt Qos qui doivent être ajustés en fonction de votre connexion pour un meilleur hit reg...

Faux. Il y a des "bon" et des "mauvais" serveurs. Le serveurs proche de vous peut être encombré ou simplement mauvais alors que d'autre sont bien meilleur. 

Le regroupement de serveur Paris sont pour la plupart très mauvais. Que vous ayez 1/3/5ms cela ne change en rien la qualité du serveur lui même.

Avec 3ms sur les serveur de Paris j'ai des décalage incohérent alors que sur un serveur un peu plus éloigné comme Amsterdam (10ms) ou Espagne (23ms) je joue comme un dieu ! Sans prendre en compte le lag de compensation que CoD impose aux très bonne connexion. 

Pour l'Amérique je peux prendre comme exemple les serveurs New York qui sont d'une très mauvaise qualité comparé aux serveurs de Floride et autres. 

Quand vous ne connaissez pas votre sujet rien ne sert de commenté en disant de tel bêtise 

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@Bdboy That is just call of duty servers they lag all the time .. You do know cheaters have software to ddos the servers to making the whole lobby lag on top of poor quality servers that they have downgraded since wz1 .. A closer connecting should always be better then a connection futher away as its results in data having to be sent twice as far ect hense higher pings so on 

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