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Lower than 50% Congestion Control?


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I was wondering if allowing lower than 50% on the Congestion Control slider could be looked at. My max speed is around 910Mbps but 50% isn't enough to eliminate bufferbloat. I have to set the download speed to around 670Mbps at 50% CC for best results. So ideally 37% of 910Mbps would allow me to eliminate bufferbloat and download at full speed when nothing prioritised is going on.

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We will be removing that cap a later date yes. I'd suggest testing with downloads while following: https://bit.ly/bufferbloat-test start with a high value e.g 95%, test, decrease 10%, test, decrease 10% etc, until you get to a value that is pretty good, then try 5% either side of that value to see if it can be improved. Important to note that Download/Upload on CC don't have to be the same value & you may have a better experience with differing values. This is more of a real world test as you're actually doing traffic you would normally do.

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