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XR700 and 2.5 Gbps

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Good morning and happy August bank holiday, I need some advice please.
My provider has increased the speed of my contract only now, unlike a few years ago, sfp modules are no longer used but everything is managed via ont so I can't use the router's 10G port and can only get 1G/1G on wan.
First question, is this correct? Is there anything I can do?
Then I wanted to know how to make the most of the connection on a wired device, which has the ability to do this and the cable is a cat 7.
The ethernet is on port 1 of the router, if I do the aggregation can it be used to get higher speeds?
Last question I wanted to know if to date there is or if you are thinking of making your own router too, not necessarily via netgear, that supports these speeds via wan.
Thanks in advance to those who will read and help me.
Good day to all

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That's Monday after next but thanks!

Would be best to check the manual: https://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/XR700/XR700_UM_EN.pdf

However, I believe that you would have to use SFP to achieve those higher network speeds. You can use link but I think that would just be for local purposes if you can't use the SFP to get higher speeds.

I couldn't say, that would be very expensive for us, never say never but it's unlikely at the moment.

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