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when i install games at steam


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when i install games at steam the lan on my pc disconnect and i have to turn the router on and off for my pc lan to start working again, the wi fi is fine it just the lan on my pc , i switched to check if the same thing happens on my normal router and it installed the games no problem.

i tried to hard reset it and it didnt fixed it.

i hope there is a way to fix it

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geo filter is off, smart boost is on and priorities gaming and my pc, also ad blocker is on other than that i dont think i did, for now it working but the issue is that it download games slower than my normal router, with netduma it installing at a speed of 92.8 Mbps or around that and in my normal router i remember it installs at the speed of 300 Mbps or around it, i testing it if it going to crash even at this speed but for now it fine, also when it crashed it got to 700 Mbps or around it maybe that the cause? if so i have no idea how to fix it

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What firmware version are you on currently? What is the model of the modem/router the R3 is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the R3? E.g. R3 in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode. What speeds do you pay for/receive and have you entered those into the router? How do you have Congestion Control set? Do you still have access to the interface when it happens?

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v4.0.219 , i dont know what model i think it is maybe sagemcom i live in israel and the company that provide my internet is cellcom dont know if this telling you anything, i think i connected the the normal router to the netduma blue port(wan), r3 isnt in dmz i dont have bridge mode i will try to find the dmz setting and make it can you tell me how to do it if possible sorry for the trouble, my speeds are 1000 download and 100 upload and yes i entered those, i dont have congestion control set and i not sure on the last one, i will note that smart tvs dosnt work now that the download is slower maybe the wi fi got slower too

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There is a more up to date version here: https://forum.netduma.com/topic/56107-new-r3-firmware-40236/ that I'd recommend you upgrade to as it may help.

Copy the WAN IP on the R3 WAN page then enter that into your ISP router DMZ setting. Set Congestion Control to 70% for download and upload and using the Always mode and see if it's better after all those changes.

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thanks it working really well now i have slightly better ping and the download is even faster than my normal router with out any crashes, only for one game it downloaded slow but i think it a steam thing with downloading alot of games at once i paused the download and resumed it and it was fine

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi again, sorry for the trouble but i have slow download speed again, i checked with my normal router and it way faster, is there a chance you can help me? when i restart both my routers it download fast again(update:it didnt fix it this time) but then after some time it slow down, i did all the things you told me and maybe i need to update again? idk i hope you can help me thanks in advance

another update: when i unplugged the cables and put them back in it fixed it but it may come back later

i prioritized steam download and some other downloads and it fine i think not sure though

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my lan crashed again when i installed games will there be a fix for this as well? and is there a way i will get a email when the update comes out? i followed the person that posted the previous update for netduma r3 will that be enough? thanks in advance also sometimes the wi fi is slower is this a part of this as well?

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thank you very much but unfortunately it didnt fix it, it downloading like 4 GB and then crashed, i think i will use my normal router for downloading and netduma for gaming for now unless you have another fix for this also it took a bit while to launch netflix( wi fi) i usually notice the wi fi going slow sometimes when i print things through wi fi it sometimes print slow maybe it just the printer so keep that in mind

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i already did a factory reset(had to set up the router again), but i did it again and it still crashed at stock settings so i changed the settings to what you recommended before and it now working and donsnt crash, but i had those settings after i factory reseted before(as a said i already did a factory reset) and it still crashed so i dont know if it the time of day or pure luck or my router decided to work all the sudden but i think there is a small chance it would come back in the future when i will try to download things in steam, but for now it fixed i guess.

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