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XR1000 Geofilter broken.

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Hi all, I noticed that my geofilter defaults to California even though I'm on the east coast of the US. When I try to manually change the location, it gives me the following error:

RPC error 'ERROR_CMDFAIL': Exec '//usr/bin/geoip -f /tmp/geoip_ipc2 -h -a "41" -l "-73"' failed with 1

I'm not sure what needs to be done, as i have recently factory reset. I've tried reloading the latest firmware as well followed by a factory reset, to no avail. It keeps defaulting me to California even though the NTP server is properly set to Eastern. 


Thanks in advance for any help!

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By manually do you mean you typed in your address or you clicked on the icon and then clicked on the map? As the latter should definitely work and we're aware of the former. The location doesn't need to be pin point accurate, as longs as its in your general area.

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Both options gave me that particular error code. I rebooted the router a few times and the issue went away. I tested with another factory reset, and it defaulted me to California again, with the same RPC error, and again a few reboots made it go away.

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I am using Armor. For the browser, i use a few different ones. Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Brave...i only use the router based adblocker. I checked the settings, and do not have "force sites to use https" turned on. 

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