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Networking regarding the router and Xbox.

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I have the installation stopped on my Xbox when I’m trying to install games or update games.  I have done all troubleshooting steps on the Xbox. I even got a new Xbox. Problem still persists. I believe it’s my networking, because it installed just fine elsewhere. Any idea whats stopping them? 

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So what happens exactly, it just pauses the install/download? Can you start it again and keep doing that until completion? Do you get an error message when it happens?

What is the model of the modem/router the R3 is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the R3? E.g. R3 in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode

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Yes the installation stops and when I resume it just stops again. It isn’t consistent at where it stops, and it’s more than 1 game. It’s been in bridge mode to a Shaw modem xb6 I believe.

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What XR router are you using exactly and what firmware version is it on?

If you disable QoS fully from the Congestion Control menu :menu does the issue happen again?

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Have you got the Xbox added to the Geo-Filter when this happens? If so remove it and check again. Otherwise switch NAT to Open in WAN Settings and see if that helps please.

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