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everyday disconnects


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I have disconnections every day. My ISP modem/router is in bridge mode. It's been like this since I bought the R3 when it was released. It has the latest firmware. I actually only play COD and the connection always breaks after the round. Not during the game. My ISP modem then restarts itself and the connection is back after a few minutes. What could be the problem?R3_2024-06-24T07_21_29.480Z_logs.txtR3_2024-06-24T07_21_29.480Z_logs.txtR3_2024-06-24T07_21_29.480Z_logs.txt



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The modem itself is restarting itself as in it turns itself off then comes back on? If so I think that'll be the answer, an issue to do with that not the R3, the R3 can't make the upstream modem/router reboot. If you take it out of bridge and put the R3 in its DMZ instead does it work better?

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I'll try that. Is exposed host also possible? I have a Fritz box. It's just strange that this never happens in the middle of the game. After a few rounds and whenever the game ends before a new game is searched for, I lose the connection.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Fraser, I had the time and tested it. I don't have any disconnects in exposed host. only in bridge mode. I'm glad that my contract is about to end. I'll switch back to Telekom DSL. Cod was more playable than Vodafone cable.

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