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HELP! netduma ps5 set up


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hi! i have the netduma r3 that i bought to play (love it) 

 i followed the netduma youtube settings step by step

my issue is that when i play alone i get really good ping but when i play with friends i get really bad ping usually is around 15-22ping.

anybody know the best settings for ps5? also when i connect with friends my geo filter will connect to their server instead of others and my connnection suffers alot to where i cant even play right(mw3) even though i would block the servers from connecting and have my settings to strict mode 

or is there a way to add my friends to my geo filter without them suffering ? 

sometimes i host to play online but my friend suffers with ping (he gets 60-80 ping) when he normally gets 30 ping or less and he has 1gig fiber 

i have frontier 300mb fiber internet

should i upgrade my internet to 1 gig or is there a way to party with friends without my ping suffering?

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  • meck1 changed the title to HELP! netduma ps5 set up
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That explains it then, you're at opposite ends of the country - the game will be trying to find a middle ground so based on whatever settings you have it'll be getting the closest middle server hence raising your ping a little. They're getting a high ping because they're being forced to connect to a server closer to you than them.

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  • Administrators

That's just physics, there is no way around it - I'd suggest putting your location/radius over central US so you both have a higher ping but neither one of you has to have a really high ping so its more balanced

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