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R3 OVPN-Config File

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Ich habe probleme die OVPN File zum laufen zu bringen. Habe auch die Version .170

Von meinem VPN-Anbieter gibt es mehrere Einstellungsmöglichkeiten der ovpn file.

Welche OVPN Version wird benutzt?

Welches Protokoll? UDP,TCP,Stealth VPN SSH,Stealth VPN Obfsproxy,Stealth VPN SOCKS,Stealth VPN HTTP,Stealth VPN stunnel




unterstützte Ortsgruppierung?


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All that would be covered in the options in the config file - you just need the configuration file, enter it into HVPN, enter user/pass and you should be able to connect - if not if there are logs for the VPN please provide those and also provide the config you're using

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