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Frequency (Hz)


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is there any way to get the r3 to lock in on a Frequency (Hz) as my VM modem seem to lock me in on channel 11 + 13

11 being 218000000

13 being  234000000

but i want it to be locked in on a different channel

like 386000000 to 402000000

is this even possible @Netduma Fraser

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Your R3 wont lock into anything the other side of the VM router, only your VM router will handle this as your VM Router is performing the modem part of this job (those frequencies etc are from Virgin's network). You need to speak to Virgin Media if there is a fault, your R3 wont influence any of this and will only use the WAN sent to it from your VMRouter/Modem (depending on what mode you have it in). 

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      Server: Lightning Fibre Ltd - London (id: 34931)
         ISP: Virgin Media
Idle Latency:    12.77 ms   (jitter: 0.29ms, low: 12.27ms, high: 13.02ms)
    Download:   913.99 Mbps (data used: 1.6 GB)
                 19.51 ms   (jitter: 5.12ms, low: 7.91ms, high: 283.71ms)
      Upload:   103.34 Mbps (data used: 73.5 MB)
                 15.45 ms   (jitter: 6.64ms, low: 9.41ms, high: 155.81ms)
 Packet Loss:     0.0%



i dont get why my jitter has gone soo high



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I think there’s issues with waveform servers, sometimes I get perfect jitter mostly around early in the morning. After that the results are so random. Best way to test is have 2 PCs. One PC pinging google DNS in command prompt and have ping plotter running also.

And on another PC you use it to hammer your network. 

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