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Netduma has not sent me an invoice on what I ordered

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Netduma are ignoring my crys for help I can't get in touch with anyone, no email was sent to me with an invoice attached and all that netduma is doing is taking my money and leaving me in the dust I messaged the admin here and Twitter bc I cannot access even their support. 

what a way for customer service

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The admin should be on tomorrow I believe if not today afternoon. I would check your spam folder and I am pretty sure they don’t stay quiet about actual issues it might be someone oversaw the email as they get thousands.

if your sure you paid a certain amount I would check your bank statements they pretty much give you the information for every transaction.

DHL invoice most likely means it hasn’t been shipped I might be incorrect though….


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No it's already in my country it's with DHL but the invoice they sent didn't even have my order receipt or anything no one is helping me from the start I said I didn't even get a confirmation email. and there is nothing I legit can do about it.


the invoice DHL has shows what netduma gave them in GBP and not even the full amount I paid.

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I'm not sure why you've said we're ignoring you, by all accounts you only contacted us 2 hours ago via forum/email and twitter. The confirmation email is likely in your spam/junk folder. 

How have you been scammed exactly? You've paid for the product and it is being delivered to you. The only money given to DHL is the payment for shipping. 

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